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Monthly blogging schedule 저자: Mind Map: Monthly blogging schedule

1. Types of Big Value Posts

1.1. Numbered list

1.2. Ressource compilation

1.3. Serialized articles

1.4. ...

2. Types of Filler Posts

2.1. Story telling

2.2. Product review / comparison

2.3. Interview

2.4. How-to

2.5. Contests

2.6. Guest posts

2.7. ...

3. Types of Multimedia Posts

3.1. Screenshot

3.2. Video

3.3. Image

3.4. Animation

3.5. ...

4. How to use this map

4.1. Use this map to plan your blog posts in advance.

4.2. To keep your followers interested you should alternate between the different types of posts

4.3. Choose a type of post from the left side of the map and add it to your schedule on the right side

4.4. Add the topic of your post underneath the type, then add links to resources, notes, drafts and files

5. Week 1

5.1. Big Value Post #1

5.1.1. Type

5.1.2. Topic

5.2. Filler Post #1

5.2.1. Type

5.2.2. Topic

6. Week 2

6.1. Filler Post #2

6.1.1. Type

6.1.2. Topic

6.2. Multimedia Post #1

6.2.1. Type

6.2.2. Topic

7. Week 3

7.1. Big Value Post #2

7.1.1. Type

7.1.2. Topic

7.2. Filler Post #3

7.2.1. Type

7.2.2. Topic

8. Week 4

8.1. Multimedia Post #2

8.1.1. Type

8.1.2. Topic

8.2. Filler Post #4

8.2.1. Type

8.2.2. Topic