Personal Task List

Manage your personal life and get things done

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Personal Task List par Mind Map: Personal Task List

1. Other

2. Shopping

2.1. Tomatoes

2.2. Mozzarella

2.3. Prosciutto crudo

2.4. Onions

3. Car

4. How To

4.1. Add your tasks here, assigning

4.1.1. Priority

4.1.2. Completion

4.1.3. Due Date

4.1.4. Owner

4.1.5. Click on "Advanced" to assign more details

4.2. Work with colors and more icons to assign importance

4.2.1. Very important

4.2.2. Keep in mind

4.3. Try "MeisterTask" to quickly add a task

5. Home

5.1. Pay electricity bill

5.2. Repair shower curtain

6. University

7. Work