Refrain from behaviour that may be constructed or regarded as harassment or sexual harassment.
저자: Carlos Celis
1. Learning objective 1 Set boundaries
1.1. Establish a communication code
1.1.1. Establish a communication code that includes acceptable days and time.
1.1.2. Communicate with groups rather than people whenever possible.
1.1.3. Communicate exclusively through official channels
1.1.4. Restrain answers to messages received through means others than the official communication channels.
1.1.5. Restrain compliments or words of affection.
1.2. Restrain invitations such as dates, meals, parties, etc. to a person under authority or a person belonging to a vulnerable group.
1.3. Decline Invitations on dates, meals, parties, etc. from a person under authority or a person belonging to a vulnerable group.
2. Treat others respectfully
2.1. Discourage distribution of material affecting dignity or containing any kind of discrimination or sexual references.
2.2. Restrain unwelcome or unwanted actions, gestures, comments, or behaviours of sexual nature.
2.3. Discourage unwelcome or unwanted actions, gestures, comments, o r behaviours of sexual nature.
2.4. Restrain conversations about anyone’s private information.
3. Learning Objective 3 Assign equal workload to Members and groups
3.1. Restrain preferential treatment to a person or a group
3.2. Provide feedback based on performance
3.3. Keep feedback records