Effective Blog Content
저자: Lauren Holliday

1. 1. Research
1.1. TwtPoll
1.2. Case Studies
1.3. Ask question on Facebook
1.4. Surveys:
2. Act like a journalist
2.1. Reviews
2.2. Interviews
2.2.1. Ask experts for advice
2.3. Timely
2.4. Trend stories
2.5. Feature stories that will interest your buyer personas
3. Utilize influencers
3.1. Guest posts
3.1.1. Email guest blogger when it is uploaded so they can share with their communities
3.2. Tags
3.3. Interviews
3.3.1. Email guest blogger when it is uploaded so they can share with their communities
4. Cross-pollinate platforms
4.1. Write on other blogs you have access to to
4.2. Blog post distribution
5. How-to's and tips
5.1. Point out myths about your industry/organization
5.2. Lists
5.2.1. Top ___ lists
5.2.2. Lists of things to avoid