1. 4. Know What’s Important to You
1.1. As long as you are in this cosmos
1.1.1. you will always encounter different choices that may be contradictory to your goals
1.2. For instance, a fantastic promotion that requires excessive travel
1.2.1. will isolate you from important relationships
1.3. If you are not priority-conscious
1.3.1. you may accept it
1.3.2. even though your family is your priority
1.4. it makes sense to identify what is important to you
1.4.1. and to prepare yourself not to compromise those important things for immediate pleasure or gain
2. 5. Establish Regular “No Work” Time
2.1. YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki established a rule
2.1.1. not to check her emails between 6 p.m and 9 p.m
2.1.2. she was the first woman to request maternity leave when Google just got started
2.1.3. She prioritizes dinner time with her family despite being the CEO of YouTube
2.2. Is it possible to cut out time for our relationships and interests outside of work?
2.2.1. Of course!
2.3. That’s why you need to set out your “no work” time
2.3.1. This approach will enable you to renew your energy levels for the next task
2.3.2. Also, you will be in the best position to introspect
2.3.3. as you are not in your usual work zone
3. 6. Know When to Stop
3.1. You can achieve everything on your list sometimes
3.1.1. After you have prioritized your workload and assessed your estimates
3.2. remove the remaining tasks from your priority list
3.2.1. and focus on your most urgent and important tasks
3.3. Conclusion
3.3.1. It’s not enough to be successful at work Ensure you make out time for your family and an important relationship in your life
3.3.2. Getting started and finding time may be tricky but with some practice using the Prioritization Matrix
3.3.3. you’ll find that you are more productive and better able to divide your time between the things that are important to you
4. Benefits of Mind Mapping pdf guide --->
5. 2. Define the Value
5.1. The next step is to examine the importance
5.1.1. and assess which of them impacts your business or organization the most
5.2. As a rule of thumb
5.2.1. you can check which tasks possess higher priority over others
5.3. For instance, you need to attend to client’s requirements
5.3.1. before you take care of any internal work
5.4. You can also estimate value by examining how the task impacts the people
5.4.1. and customers in the organization
5.5. In a nutshell, the more impact a task has on people or the organization
5.5.1. the higher the priority
6. 1. List and Rank Your Priorities
6.1. Highlight all the tasks you need to carry out in a day
6.1.1. Don’t mind the order or number
6.1.2. Then, classify them based on urgency and importance
6.2. Identify any activity that requires prompt action
6.2.1. I’m referring to a task that if you don’t complete that day
6.2.2. it could produce a grave consequence
6.3. For instance
6.3.1. if you don’t submit your content strategy other content writers cannot work
6.4. It means you need to check for high-priority dependencies
7. Source
8. 3. Take out the Most Challenging Task
8.1. Procrastination is not a symptom of laziness
8.1.1. but avoidance is
8.2. The truth is that you will typically avoid tasks
8.2.1. you don’t want to do
8.3. The former CEO of Goldman Sachs, Lloyd Blankfein, once said
8.3.1. he would take out the most dreaded task first thing when he got to the office
8.3.2. It’s simple!
8.4. Take out any task that you dread first!
8.5. Brian Tracy called these tasks the frogs you need to eat
8.5.1. That will remove the nagging dread
8.5.2. which mounts pressure on you when you postpone necessary tasks